Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500

  • Listing
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
  • Used 2014 Lincoln MKT Sedan Stretch Limo  - biglake, Minnesota - $21,500
Listing Details
Make & Model: Lincoln MKT
Year OEM Built: 2014
Body Style: Sedan Stretch Limo
Year Coach Built: 2014
Price: $21,500
Mileage: 39 miles
Condition: Used
VIN: 2L1MJ5LK3EBL57457
Exterior Color: White
Transmission: Automatic
Drivetrain: 4WD
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Safety Features: Airbag: Driver, Airbag: Passenger, Airbag: Side, Anti-Lock Brakes, Fog Lights
Vehicle Premiums: Luggage Compartment, 6 Doors
Driver Comfort: GPS Navigation, Remote Start Ignition, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Heated Mirrors
Passenger Comfort: Tinted Windows
Vehicle Location
Country: United States
City: biglake
State: Minnesota
ZIP code: 55309
Additional information
Warranty: No Warranty
Financing: Yes - Financing Available
Financing Desc: through westlake financial
Mechanical Condition Rating: 10
Exterior Condition Rating: 7
Interior Condition Rating: 6
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First Name: ahmed
Company Name: cheapest cars ever llc
Country: United States
City: biglake
State: Minnesota
ZIP code: 55309
Phone: (612) 295-3759
SMS Text Messages: Yes
About the Seller / Company: used car dealership most of our cars are rebuilt
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